1.Luwen Ning, Zhoufang Li, Guan Wang, Wen Hu, Qingming Hou, Yin Tong, Meng Zhang, Yao Chen, Li Qin, Xiaoping Chen, Heng-Ye Man*, Pinghua Liu*, Jiankui He* (2015)“Quantitative assessment of single-cell whole genome amplification methods for detecting copy number variation using hippocampal neurons”Scientific Reports,5: 11415 2.Zhoufang Li, Guangjie Liu, Ying Tong, Meng Zhang, Ying Xu, Li Qin, Zhanhui Wang, Xiaoping Chen, Jiankui He* (2015) “Comprehensive analysis of the T-cell receptor beta chain gene in rhesus monkey by high throughput sequencing” Scientific Reports, 5:10092
3.Luwen Ning, Geng Liu, Guibo Li, Yong Hou, Yin Tong, Jiankui He* (2014) “Current Challenges in the Bioinformatics of Single Cell Genomics.” Frontier in Oncology, 4:7.
4.Ning Jiang#, Jiankui He#, Joshua A. Weinstein#, Lolita Penland, Sanae Sasaki, Xiao-Song He, Cornelia L. Dekker, Patrick C. Wilson, Harry B. Greenberg, Mark M. Davis, Daniel S. Fisher and Stephen R. Quake (2013), “Lineage structure of the human antibody repertoire in response to influenza vaccination”. Science Translational Medicine, 5:171, 171ra19 5.J. He and M. Deem (2010), “Heterogeneous Diversity of Spacers within CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105:128102 6.J. He and M. Deem (2010) “Structure and response in the world trade network.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105:198701
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9.J. He, J. Sun and M. Deem (2009) “Spontaneous emergence of modularity in a model of evolving individuals and in real networks.” Phys. Rev. E. 79: 031907. Also in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
10.J. He, Q. Chen, L. Ding and S. Wan (2008) “Conclusive and perfect quantum state transfer with a single spin chain.” Phys. Lett. A 372:185-190
Jiankui He (2011) “Modularity: The principle of evolution in complex systems” Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln, Germany. 2011